Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!!!!!!!!

        We are going to make up a story and have students make up different parts to create a wacky and crazy story! i ask you to let your creativity fly to create the weirdest story!!!!!!!!!

         My eyes fluttered open and a whole new world was in front of me! I screamed and it echoed everywhere.  What had happened ? Last night I was in my bedroom but now I was on a planet, some planet I didn't know! I knew what I had to do.
        First I leaped in the air like they did on the news when someone goes to the moon but I fell to the ground with a THUD! So I just walked really fast really really fast. So the first thing I wanted to do was find an alien to be friends with. I found an alien eating chicken nuggets. They were shaped like dinosaurs. He looked like a cross between a peacock and a giraffe on roller skates. 
        I walked up to him and said " Hello I come in peace please don't hurt me! I have woken up on your planet that makes me run really fast and I have found an alien that is pea-giraffe and I need a friend to help me survive so will you help me?" 
         The giraffe peacock answered " Yes and I have a name it is Tiffany-Smallz and my last name is Featherylongneck. The long necked spotted peacock of outer space. 
          " Please help yourself to a dinonugget and sit down what shall we do?" 
           "Well" I  replied, " I've always wanted to do space laser tag!"
           Tiffany suited up in an awesome piece of purple armor and grabbed a real laser gun to fight me with. It looked like a scene out of a movie. Yet there was me scrawny legs and arms. I tried to copy what she did but I ended up looking like fool in my armor.
             " Ready. Set. Go!" Something smacked into my gut. I flew It knocked me onto another planet. "Sorry your not ready for that you don't have space legs." He turned off his rollar skates that had flown him over here. "Why don't we try to get you home."
               We started walking or should I say fly. We weren't able to touch the ground. Our toes dangled in the air. Yet when your levitating you still walk on air . I started to chill. This planet was freezing. I looked up and saw a glacier towering above me.
                A crack surged through the air. 
            "What was that?" 
            No reply came. The only reply that came was a glacier crashing down on our head. Luckily a hole in the glacier saved us. "Oh no! Wait don't you have rollar skates with rocket boosters?"We blasted out of there and I sat up.
         IT WAS ALL A DREAM!   


Monday, August 31, 2015

Class Interview!

                                  BREAKING NEWS!

        We went around the class asking random questions to random people so you can see into your classmates head. For an example we could ask Phillip Jonney Bob, "If you could make ONE ice cream flavor what would it be?"
         First we headed over to Nathan and asked " If your life was turned into a movie who would you choose to play you?" He didn't hesitate for a second to say Adam Sandler. 
          Next we skipped over to Grace Harris and asked " If you could change your name what would it be?" Thankfully she couldn't think of a better name! 
       Meanwhile vocab was starting and we had to write more and more and more! We thought what if a robot was invented to write whatever we think so we slid over to Isabela to get her ideas and she said to make it look like Bay Max so we also asked Aaron and obviously he said do his homework so we got some help and asked Elizabeth Lucas if she would design such a thing SHE agreed that if she did it would have other purposes as well. 
       Moving on we took our hurting writing hands and walked on over to Andrew Meade  and asked " If a sandwich was named after you what would be on it?" Well I mean who doesn't like bacon so he went with a bacon and cheese sandwich because it's bacon!!!!! DING DING DING best sandwich of the year goes to the Andrew! 
        Speaking of food our stomachs started to rumble. We thought Popcorn comes from corn and is therefore a vegetable. Another example is chocolate comes from cocoa beans right?? Soooo chocolate is a lettuce. So we took our snack over to Samantha and munched on it over there while we asked " What is your least favorite vegetable?" She quickly replied with brussel  sprouts followed with a long BLEH! 
        Finally our stomachs started to hurt and we stopped eating and we wondered well most people lay down on the couch sipping a Sprite and watching their favorite movie while their mom waits on them hand and foot but who has the weirdest habit of what they do when their sick. It took three people before we found someone who said something other than throw up. It was Molly Pratt.
         She stands on her head but she doesn't do it for the fun of it. There's a whole science behind it. The blood rushes to her head and makes her head warm and she does this in front of an air vent so the cold air can tickle her toes. At the same time she watches the t.v. It must be pretty hard to blow chunks while upside down. 
          That was gross so we decided to change the topic. going back up to Grace Harris wouldn't change her name we decided to ask Grant what is the weirdest name he's heard?  He said Nut (nu~ette) Then next to him Abby was begging to be asked a question so I asked What is the weirdest nickname you've ever given someone and with out hesitation she said she and Molly Pratt gave Molly Moore the nickname Sugamix! (It has a song too) Sorry I am out of

                                                                      time and if you didn't answer                By: 
Kate Merryweather                                                                                                                                                                                           questions 
                                                              or if you want to answer questions
                                                       contact me Kate in class for I will follow                                                                                                           up for                                                                               thoose who didn't answer                                                                                                   tomorrow. I 
                                                       can't wait for the end of the week to 
                                                    post A Day In The Life Of Kate!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Vittoria Riedling and Elizabeth Rice

Hello and happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The weekend is on its way!!!!!!!!!

BTW this it Vittoria Riedling and Elizabeth Rice. So what's up and how are you doing!?!?!?!?!?!? For sure, we are doing awesome because it is the weekend, not to mention how awesome we are!

And our brothers, Vaughn, O'Rielly, and Michael are wanting to do choir. (oh brother, get it?! They are our brothers! ha ha) WARNING; church might sound like dying dogs if they join... (SCREEEEEEEECH)!

Now moving on to the favorite book of the day, according to Jack, Mrs. T's beautiful baby boy, is War and Peace. According to other pre-schoolers, learning new animal noises. moo, neigh, meow,  ruff. Can you tell Mr. Jack Thomas is in VERY advanced reading. He is reading high school books.

Now, wen have done a survey on everyone's favorite dessert.Only some people got to vote. Here are the results:

Cookie: 1

Brownie: 11

Cake: 0

Ice Cream: 8

Other: 3

Can you read this?!?! Try to.

Can anybody NOT read this?

You don't have to forward this, but you can if you want. We found it on the internet.

Hope you like this post and have a great weekend.

-Elizabeth Rice and Vittoria Riedling

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Guest Bloggers: Smallz and Pratt

Smallz and Pratt
Today, we are going to talk about what we are going to write today.
We are going to do a survey about what everybody's fave dance move is. Also, we're going to interview Mrs. Simon because it's her anniversary today!!!!!!! Yay!! Happy anniversary Mrs. Simon! Last thing we're going to do today is recognize Erin Lewis because it's her birthday today! She's turning ten! So get a chance to say happy birthday to Erin today. So we got the votes for everyone's favorite dance move! 

 Freeze Style; 1
 Whip And Nae Nae; 21
 Dougie; 3

Now it's time to interview Mrs. Simon!

Us: What's your favorite color?
Mrs. Simon: Teal
Us: Are you happy it's your anniversary?
Mrs. Simon: 10th year an. dated for 6 years
Us: Are you looking forward to this year?
Mrs. Simon: Yes!!! Love working with kids!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday August 26,2015 - Guest Bloggers "Judd" and "Booney"

                What's up guys!It's Aaron and Adam. We're bloggers today filling in for Lexi because she is at her mom's wedding. We asked 5 people what their most annoying song is.We had 3 votes for What 
Does the Fox Say.that song is pretty annoying too.Boy,people hate Taylor swift now.There were about 3 votes for Bad Blood.Shut up and dance with me had 1 vote.Can't Feel my Face had 2 votes.Let it go had 7 votes for Let It Go.People don't like Frozen anymore,thankfully.
                 We also interviewed Jaxon.
                  Aaron:What did you think about the football game at recess?
                   Jaxon :I thought that we had fair teams and that we should work on our catching especially long catching for some people.
                   Aaron:Do you think that it is safe to say that we have a good chance to win the Toy Bowl?
                   Jaxon :I think so indeed.If we practice our hardest than we will have an even better chance.
                  Thank you everyone. Tomorrow we will be saying who everyone's celebrity look alike is.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Mrs.Thomas's Tuesday!!

       Happy Tuesday!

     Let's Talk about crazy Tuesdays, 
Well today is Tuesday and it cray cray!! Also known as special area day!!! BTW, It's Lexi and its my first year here and I LOVE it here!!!  Lets talk a little bit about Mrs. Thomas! Also here's a little tip, listen for the 2 little words "Commercial Break." She usually let's us dance!!! OH YEAH!!!  She Never ever Wears the same outfit twice!!

Hope you like this Blog!!



Thursday, July 30, 2015

Advice from Kayla- Former sass of the class

Hello NEW 5th graders! Mrs. Thomas teaches Reading, Language Arts, and Math. In Reading, you will have different projects to choose from and learn about different genres of reading such as Science Fiction. You will also have a long test after you learn a topic within the subject so be prepared, but it's okay, it's just so Mrs. Thomas can gauge your understanding and assess what you have learned about the content we've covered in the unit.  Language Arts is actually more fun than you think it will be...not just writing, writing and more writing!  You also choose from many projects and writing topics and you get to write memoirs and your young authors stories too. More and more projects come along when you get into Math. Can you tell she is into hands-on learning and bringing it to life to make it fun for you?!?  I mean, we ARE in 5th grade afterall...shouldn't we learn AND have some fun too?!?  It's learning on our level- real, relevant, awesome :) Another thing worth knowing is that you will often get to watch verrrrry short videos at the beginning of class (during what Mrs. Thomas calls the "engage" time) on how to do things in math (like a silly song, a rap, a dance, or crazy tune) and you may even get to construct a project called Geometro-City.  
     Most importantly, however, you will need to study VERY hard because there are lots of tests in 5th grade in general and with Mrs. Thomas as well! (Be prepared) For Religion, Science, and Social Studies, you switch over to Mrs. Schleg's room. I've heard some of you are a little scared about the switching classrooms. Let me just tell you there's absolutely nothing to be afraid about! You will be absolutely fine! 

     Now, let's focus on Mrs. Thomas... She is the best teacher ever and she might even give you a nickname! Also, if you get joked on or she teases with you, don't take it offensively, it actually means she likes you and feels comfortable in your relationship that she CAN do that with you.  Take it as a compliment :)  If you're getting offended it's probably something really funny, but if  it's not to you, you can most definitely always talk to her and say you didn't appreciate it and she will completely understand! She is very approachable and cares about your feelings first and foremost.  On an extremely light note and as just a tip, if she hears, "Don't Stop Believin'" on Pandora, she may or may not get on her chair and start dancing! It was pretty hilarious last year when she did it at 6 months pregnant! BUT, if she's not feeling it that day, don't sing and don't take it to heart, she'll feel it again another day, I promise! Also, if "mean Mrs. Thomas" comes out don't ever take it to heart- you probably WERE being too loud or were out of line, because she gives plenty of chances.  Don't think she's doing it to be mean, she's just being teacher! She will also have a list of your names, so if you're talking during class she might give you a warning or a check by your name. You will also have a praise note box where you can write a praise letter to someone and then on Fridays or during class meetings, she will read them aloud and then hang them on the wall as you build a year long praise wall!  It's pretty cool and who doesn't love hearing a nice shout-out about themself?!?  I wish you all the best of luck in 5th grade and have fun!  Trust me, YOU WILL.  

Monday, July 27, 2015

Advice from Alyssa (former 5th grader extraordinaire)

Hello incoming 5th graders! Today I decided that I wanted to let u know what u will be looking forward to this year and some things about Mrs. Thomas (also known as Francis to us former 5th graders [inside joke]). 

  This year you will get to do reading groups and get to read with a group and do homework about it each night and read about it,  but the best part is, you get to chose from like 25 projects to do a project about this book. You also get to to do work and projects based upon reading comprehension, but what you may enjoy most of all is the studying of the specific genres such as Historical fiction, Science fiction and other topics such as that. And the really cool thing is. you get to switch classes which is great because there is a different environment within the two different classrooms. 

   Next, I will tell you all about math because that that is the other subject Mrs. Thomas teaches. You will get to do so many fun projects this year. The things you get to learn about are topics like multiplying and dividing fractions, geometry, multiplication, long division, and more fun experiences far beyond. BUT, I will tell you some friendly tips: 1) DO NOT make your work sloppy to where she can not read the final answer because you will get a big fat 0. 2) Also, when you have to do more than one thing to get your final answer, make sure to circle that answer. 3) Don't stress!  She is the best teacher you could possibly have. 4) I have also heard that some of you are nervous about switching classes for math but please don't stress... that was everybody's favorite part last year!!!
   The last subject Mrs. Thomas teaches is Writing. We get to do so much stuff with this subject. One day she asked us to bring in a special object. I so was confused what we were going to do with this for writing, but it ended up that we had to write a memoir about something special that happened or that was happening in your life. Of course you probably already know that we get to do Young Authors, but last year was my favorite year of doing it because she made it so much fun! 

      Lastly, I'm going tell you about Mrs. Thomas and I know you have been waiting for this part... I'm going to tell you why she is the best teacher you could possibly have. To start of, if she is in the mood for dancing, keep her in that mood because let me tell you, she is the funniest dancer and she will either dance on desks or on her chair which is hilarious. She also likes to make nicknames for you. There is already one kid that has a nickname and school hasn't even started yet!  Her nickname is small molls...or Smollz for short...see?  Fun.  Don't take them in a bad way, they are just for fun and typically if you get a nickname, it means she likes you.  She called a student McGuff all last year because she decided his last name was to long and his first name didn't match his quirky personality. She is a great cheerleader and if she stands with one leg while teaching it's from college and other years from a cheer move. It's pretty random, but quite funny.  She loves to play with you and have fun to keep it lighthearted, but also remember you're at school so still take it seriously, but don't get overwhelmed.  She never wants you to get too burned out.  Do not forget though, DON'T STRESS, JUST DO YOUR BEST and Mrs. Thomas will take care of the rest!!!!  See you around SMA!  -Alyssa

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

an interview with Mrs. Thomas...

Hello!  I am anonymous student here interviewing Mrs. Thomas for you new students' reading pleasure.  I hope you enjoy this look into who your new teacher is :)

1) How was your summer Mrs. T?
-to be honest, it was tough.  Mr. T got a new job and had to travel around the country every week which left me home with 2 boys under four...and the weather was less than stellar.  We went a bit stir crazy!

2) What was your favorite part?
-going swimming!  Both of my boys LOVE the water!  AND, having my brother home for the month of July.  He lives in China (you'll get top Skype with him and his students several times this year)

3) What was your least favorite part?
-see above to number 1!  And I didn't get my tan on like I usually do, but I did lose 15lbs+, so that was nice :)

4) What do you like to do on weekends?
-hang out with all 3 of my crazy boys and see my friends that happen to live nearby.  We also live very close to the zoo and love taking our two little guys to see the animals (Jack calls the orangutans "Uncle Joes" but that's a whole other story for a different day).  I also love to shop and we live almost on Bardstown Road so Mr. T and I love trying out new eateries. Cafe LouLou is definitely a fave!

5) What would your students say is a "quirk" of yours?
-when I was pregnant they would say that I rubbed my belly a lot.  They also say I run my fingers through my hair quite often, am easily swayed off topic, and absolutely DETEST things left out on desks or the floor...like, if I do not leave my classroom with your desks empty and MY desk empty, I am an anxious mess all night.  I am also EXTREMELY terrified of vomit.

6) What would your former students say might bother them about you?
-I can definitely be moody here and there.  I say every day is my birthday and I probably talk about my own children far too much...  And then on another note, when mean Mrs. Thomas comes out, it isn't always the most cordial of all times. They probably always hate how I make them ALWAYS have their desks cleaned off at all times and I am not a fan of students getting up without asking or shouting out answers, or making random connections.

7) What bothers you most that students do?
-talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.  I prefer a quiet classroom and talking only when appropriate.  I also get quite perturbed when students make random connections to things in which we're discussing. While I appreciate the stories and the fact that your brain is connecting the wires, when you tell your long tale, you can tend to get off track and before we know it, we have totally derailed and are far off topic and it's hard to get back.  Thus, I institute a concept known as the parking lot (you'll learn about this Day ONE!)

8) What is something you do that probably annoys your students?
-I ask them every single day, "hey, did you know that today is my birthday?!!?" and they always roll their eyes and say, "Ughhhhhh...." followed by a giggle or four but many mumbles and groans, but after a while it becomes quite the running joke.  I am easily swayed off topic and can get in a random conversation in the middle of class as well, and student soon learn to take advantage of that.  I look at it as part of the getting to know you process because before you know it, I have tied it into the lesson and we are right back on track (which they then in turn are annoyed because their plan has backfired and we are back to learning [insert evil laugh here...muwuhahahahahaha!]) Also, back to the cleaning off of the desk thing which is quite difficult with the HUGE binders that Mrs. Schleg likes you to have.  Those things are honking big and take up a lot of your desk space so be prepared to be organized with that thing because Mrs. Thomas does NOT fancy you adjusting space by leaving other things out and I'll nag you endlessly about it until it is more aesthetically pleasing and appeals to my liking :)

9) What is something your students love most about you?
-I dance on chairs and love a good dance party.  I joke with my students and try to make every bit of learning fun and relatable.  I am also easy to talk to and quite approachable in and outside of the classroom.  Being down to earth and someone my students feel as if they can talk to about their lives is a priority of mine.  You spend the majority of your days with me and I want to be someone you feel you can trust and converse with.  Conversing with adults is a skill that kids of your age MUST be able to do, so why not practice this concept with me?!?  Students always say that they love how easily they can talk to me

10) What do you enjoy most about teaching?
-the relationships I make each and every year with my students.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOVE getting to know and formulating relationships with such awesome kids and then continuing those relationships through the years.  My first group of students I ever taught just graduated high school this past year and it was so cool getting invites to witness something that I had a little bit of a part in helping them accomplish :)